The Youth One Stop Shop provides holistic support, counselling, health, information, advisory and referral services for the youth of Palmerston North and their families/whānau.
Manawatu-WanganuiWork and Income New Zealand (WINZ)
Work and Income provides financial assistance and employment services throughout New Zealand. We offer a single point of contact for New Zealanders needing job search support, financial assistance and in-work support.
Women's Refuge - Palmerston North
Women's Refuge is New Zealand’s most significant domestic violence organisation.
Women's Health Collective - Palmerston North
Provides information, support, advocacy, pregnancy testing, cervical smears (limited access), a range of alternative therapies, counselling.
Victim Support
Victim Support is a community organisation that helps people hurt by crime and other trauma. Victim Support's volunteers give up their time and use their life experience, training and skills to support people in their community dealing with some of lif
Te Runaga O Waitaha me Maata Waka inc
Support for whanau hapu and iwi, anger management programmes and empowerment.
Te Runaga O Raukawa Toiora Whanau Social Services
Aims to look after the good health and well being of our people.
Te Manawa Services
Te Manawa services is accredited as a provider of programmes by the Ministry of Justice and Child Youth and Family. All programme facilitators are also trained and accredited to provide the programmes.
Supporting Families in Mental Illness-Manawatu Branch
Services for Families with Mental Illnesses
Support Links
Provides needs assessment and service co-ordination to meet support needs.
Super Grans
New Zealand English Language Partners offer volunteer training to assist migrants and refugees. We also offer tutoring and classes for migrants to improve language, cooking and gardening skills.
Stroke Foundation
The Stroke Foundation is the only organisation in New Zealand dedicated to reducing the incidence of stroke, improving treatment outcomes, and supporting those affected by stroke. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that supports more than 40
Stillbirth and Newborn Death Association
Support mostly one-on-one but there is work done with the hospital photographing babies and discussion prior to birth in case of still born babies, etc.
St Vincent de Paul
Offer clothing, furniture, food parcels and other help available. Anyone in need of assistance is welcome.
Helping children and adults with learning difficulties - assessments, teaching, counselling. Also ADHD advocacy, information and support.
Social English Group Branch of English Language Partners
English for speakers of other languages. An informal group promoting friendship, information about NZ and English language practice to migrants for whom English is their second language.
A wide pool of trained and caring personnel. Data files for referral purposes if required. Phone or visit. Your story is confidential. No identification required. Direct contact at all times: no answer phones. Open and free to all.
Salvation Army
Community and Family Services, Gambling treatment, Accommodation for men, services for Older People (residential and home based), Training and Employment. Foodbanks. Budgeting Services. The Family store, and emergency food bank, a drop in centre an
Rural Women New Zealand
Rural Women is an organisation with an impressive history of making a difference in rural communities. We are constantly moving forward with new initiatives suit women of all ages.
Road Safety at Literacy Feilding
Study to achieve good road safety skills at learner license level. Speaker available for community groups to encourage safety on our roads.
Road Safety - Horizons Reginal Council
Funding available for community projects promoting road safety. Any queries please phone